Profile Graphics, Page Graphics

Profile Graphics, Page Graphics

martes, 13 de octubre de 2009

ceci wishes she was far far away

Maybe if you were here everything would be different
Maybe if you were here i would be different
Maybe if you were here things would be easier
Maybe if you were here i wouldn't need to dream
Maybe if you were here you would be better
Maybe if you were here you would be worse
Maybe if you were here i wouldn't need you as much as i think i do now that you are not here
Maybe if you were here you would need me
Maybe if you were here i would be there
Maybe if you were here we could change things together
Maybe if you were here we could change things apart
Maybe if you were here we would be surrounded by faces we dont know
Maybe if you were here we would be on our own
Maybe if you were here we could do things we never thought we would. Maybe not.
But all that may happen maybe if you were here. But you're not.

Something I wrote a long long long time ago..


Como todo buen Aries tienes la necesidad que otras personas te aprecien y te admiren, y sin embargo, tiendes a auto-criticarte. Y aunque tienes algunas debilidades en cuanto a tu personalidad, generalmente has podido lograr compensarlas.

Tienes una considerable capacidad sin utilizar que no has sabido aprovechar para tu ventaja.

Los demás usualmente ven en tu exterior a una persona suficientemente disciplinada y auto-controlada, pero realmente por dentro tiendes a ser insegura y a preocuparte.

En ciertos momentos has llegado a tener serias dudas sobre si habrás tomado la decisión correcta o haber hecho lo conveniente.

Prefieres una cierta cantidad de cambio y variedad y te inconformas cuando te llenan de restricciones y limitaciones. También te enorgulleces de tener la gran capacidad de pensar independientemente y de no aceptar las afirmaciones de otros sin pruebas satisfactorias. Pero has notado que no siempre es prudente ser demasiado sincera al revelarte a ti misma a los demás.

En ciertos momentos eres extrovertida, afectuosa, y sociable, mientras que en otras ocasiones distintas pasas a ser introvertida, desconfiada, y reservada. Algunas de tus aspiraciones pueden llegar a ser un poco irrealistas.